Launched in 2000, India Fashion Forum (IFF) is India’s largest and most influential fashion retail intelligence event. Over 22 years, it has come to be widely recognised as a powerful platform for curated knowledge dissemination, peer-to-peer networking and business development for all organisations and professionals connected to the business of fashion in India.
Please fill up the details in full to submit your interest in attending the event, following which our representatives will connect with you and provide all relevant details on participation.
IFF is the premier knowledge, networking, business and recognition platform for fashion and lifestyle brands and retailers. It is India’s largest fashion market intelligence hub, and its members have unparalleled access to every connection, information and research that they need to ensure informed and profitable growth of their businesses.
The annual IMAGES Fashion Awards are adjudged on the basis of performance in operational benchmarks along with qualitative factors such as customer service, product and marketing innovation, social responsibility initiatives and HR practices among others.